Falconry and Conservation
Who we are:
The International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey (IAF) is an international NGO dedicated to maintaining the art of falconry and supporting the conservation of birds of prey throughout the world.
IAF is a federation of 110 falconry organizations in 90 countries encompassing all regions, countries, ethnicities and believes.
It is an advisory organization to UNESCO ICH, a member of IUCN and an expert advisor to the Bern Convention among a multitude of other international agreements and conventions. The IAF focuses on three main pillars, Falconry as an art, which is defined as "the taking of wild game species in their natural environment using a trained bird of prey", Falconry as a tool for conservation through rehabilitation and breeding programs and Falconry as intangible cultural heritage characterized through its UNESCO status as such. IAF acts as a critical voice safeguarding falconry and wild birds of prey all over the world through representations on behalf of falconry and raptor conservation.

Golden Eagle with chick, Photo Credit: Luz Elena
Falconry techniques are used to breed birds of prey in captivity for both falconry and for later release to restore wild raptor populations.

Juvenile Isidors Eagle Photo Credit: Alex Ospina
Falconers play a key role in the conservation of wild raptors by observing them, monitoring them to prevent illegal persecution and rehabilitating injured wild raptors.

Pallid Peregrine, Photo Credit: Christian Gonzalez
We work closely with national falconry clubs, biologists, ecologists, veterinarians, lawyers, policymakers, conservation organizations, other experts and like minded organizations at a multi and bilateral level to conserve birds of prey. A particular emphasis of IAFs conservation work is the promotion of sound policies that safeguard birds of prey in international conventions and through multilateral environmental agreements.
Please click through the tabs of this site to find some of the conservation work undertaken by IAF, and members of the global falconry community.